Medical tests and diagnostic procedures

Ou Hospital performs explorations and diagnostic tests at the request of our own specialists, of the doctors of the emergency service or of the primary care phisicians and of other health care professionals or establishments in the territory.
Cardiology clinic
Cardiac ultrasound
Stress tests
Vascular Surgery clinic
Doppler ultrasound
Endoscopy clinic
Colonoscopy (with sedation)
Fibrogastroscopy (whit sedation)
Gynecology and obstetrics clinic
Gynecological ultrasound
Obstètric ultrasound
Midwives clinic
Automated auditory evoked potentials (screening)
Fetal heart rate monitoring
Neurophysiology Clinic
Conventional electromyography
Ophtalmology clinic
Computerized tonometry
Detection of ocular pathologies
Optical biometrics
Pre and post cataract surgery controls
Otorhinolaryngology clinic
Fiberoptic laryngoscopy
Micro otoscopy
Nasal endoscopy
Pneumology clinic
Bronchoscopy (under sedation/anesthesia)
Complementary exams
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM)
ECG - Holter 24 hours
Urology clinic
Transurethral cystoscopy
Day Hospital
Monitoring of glucose levels
O'Sullivan test
Specialised blood tests (Prolactin, quantiferon...)
Synacthen (ACTH/CORTISOL) test
Tuberculin test
Urease test