
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - Cerdanya Hospital (AECT-HC), the first cross-border European hospital, located in Puigcerdà, selects a SURGEON.

  • Place for immediate incorporation
  • Open ended, full-time contract.
  • Labor conditions as per the SISCAT Collective bargaining agreement


  • Consulting
  • Teaching


  • To be a national of a member country of the European Union or to hold a permit allowing for work and residence in Spain
  • Written and oral command of Spanish and/or Catalan and French
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Specialist in Surgery, with recognized degree in Spain or France

Willl be considered extra assets

  • Experience
  • Mastery of other languages
  • Sense of dialogue and taste for interpersonal relationships
  • Empathy
  • Capacity for teamwork
  • spirit of synthesis
  • Ability to develop projects and carry out the GECT’s healthcare project

* Fields are required

You will find this number on top of the page, under the title “Offer details”

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Offer details

Reference / Code :
Time limit:
Start: Tuesday 10 de December de 2019 Final: Tuesday 31 de December de 2024
Offer status: